The Waukesha County Community Health Improvement Plan and Process (CHIPP) is a comprehensive approach to assess community health, develop and implement action plants to improve community health and monitor results. CHIPP began work in January 2017. Its findings are good for six years, so it is imperative that the needs of Waukesha County are represented properly. To help guide the process, the steering committee consists of a broad cross-section of the community: community members, law enforcement, educators, health and human services, health care, public sector and business.
Mervyn Byrd, vice president of sales and leadership development, serves on the steering community to represent the business community—to let the community stakeholders know what the effect of the three main priorities identified (mental health, opioid use and physical health) have on the ability to run an effective business.
The process was rigorous. The steering committee conducted assessments of the community’s themes and strengths, the public health system in the county, the county’s current health status and forces of change (trends, factors or events that may impact or influence the health and quality of life of the community and the delivery of public health services). The steering committee narrowed the scope of work to the three main priorities.
Three community action teams, comprised of a cross-section of the community and experts in each field, were deployed to develop goals and strategies to address the key issues.
The action teams continue to work and update the steering committee quarterly on the progress being made in each area.
Learn more here.
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