March 13, 2018

Name: Beth Lohmann
Title/Company: Director of Employment and Community Services – Easterseals SE Wisconsin
Hometown: Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin – grew up in Germantown. My family ran a restaurant on the boarder of Menomonee Falls and Germantown.
Favorite part of your job: I love being with the people we serve and their families, working side by side with them to help them achieve their goals, connect with their community and become as independent as they can. This has also given me the opportunity to learn about businesses and resources in my community that I did not know exist (I love to learn). I love to see individuals and families get excited about what they have accomplished. I also love seeing my staff get excited about their jobs. I am proud when they help someone achieve their goals or make a new connection.
If you could tell someone why it’s important to be involved in the community in one sentence, what would you say? I truly believe that we need to all work together to make a difference – collaboration is the key. We all need each other in one way or another. You cannot make an impact unless you are involved working side by side.
Favorite thing about living/working in Waukesha County/southeast Wisconsin: I think Wisconsin is a beautiful state with a lot to see. We spend a lot of time riding our Harley throughout southeast Wisconsin. I love seeing what is out there, finding new treasures and meeting new people. I feel the people in Wisconsin are more personable and friendly then other states. I lived in Arizona for two years and I could always tell the people that were from the Midwest.
Favorite movie or book: My favorite TV series is Bones.
Favorite food: I love Mexican food!!
Something unique about you: I don’t know if this is really unique, but I am the youngest of 4 girls. I grew up in the restaurant business – Steak House. Part of my role now is to oversee a catering program in a nonprofit. It is funny how my experiences all collided.
One thing you couldn’t live without: Probably technology – I move around a lot so the ability to stay connected is important to me.
What was your first job? I grew up in a family restaurant so I had many jobs before I got paid for them.
Picking up straws in the dining room, sweeping the bar area, vacuuming the dining room and make sweet rolls with my mom were some of the first tasks asked of me. When I became a busser I was then put on the payroll and paid.
If you could do another job for just one day: I would love to work on a farm of some sort.
Three best words to describe you: Passionate , determined and collaborative
In your opinion, what makes a great leader? Someone who is willing to jump in and help. I am a believer that I will never ask my staff to do anything I would not being willing to do myself. Also, a leader is someone that recognizes the strength in those they are leading and nurtures them.
What drives you to succeed? I feel that I grew up in a family that pushed me to succeed. I had role models that showed me what is possible. I also feel that the people that I am surrounded by (clients, families, peers and staff) drive to want to continue to move forward in everything that we do.
What is the most pressing issue facing our area and why? Sustainability comes to mind. I see growth but am uncertain who is all going to access this growth. We are always building, making new things, but I feel at times we throw money around versus putting it to good use for those that need the help.
What is your favorite saying or word? When people are upset because a situation is not going the way they want I usually ask, “Is it a hill we are worth dying on?” Also, for myself I believe that “What does not kill you makes you stronger.”
Register for our 2018 Emerging Leaders of Waukesha County awards program here.
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